The Covid-19 era has created the need for language teaching professionals from various contexts to move all teaching related activities online, often without prior training. The 'new normal' has placed us all in a position to manage online relationships and give instruction in strategies and all four language skills. The added challenge included handling all this dynamic complexity through a trial and error approach. This interactive webinar will report on and briefly discuss the findings of a previously unpublished study on the experiences of a wide range of language educators in their effort to deliver online classes and their reflections on this experience, the required training along with lessons learnt and future steps. The second part of the webinar will present concrete examples for engaging students while teaching online and strategies that have proven to be effective. The final part, will focus on tips for managing teacher and student emotions while teaching online. The webinar will conclude with recommendations for teachers and teacher educators suggesting some ideas about how to develop, keep teaching and overcome the difficulties of remote teaching. |