
The ESOL Global Learning Project

An IATEFL ESOLSIG webinar presented by Seima Mahmood and Monika Worthington

This webinar describes how three colleges in Wales, Poland, and England collaborated on the ESOL Global Learning Project. The project provided six online sessions for 79 students, focusing on using digital technology for study purposes and developing career readiness. The project was a combination of flipped lessons and online classes.

Join us to learn more about the project and how it promoted equality, diversity, and inclusion and developed life skills through topics such as festivals, social media, city.

Presenter: Seima Mahmood

Seima Mahmood is an ESOL Lecturer with extensive teaching experience in England. She currently teaches English at Bradford College, England. She also has experience in teacher training working as a Digital Champion for the Learning Teaching and Assessment Department. Her publications in (NATECLA) include articles on ‘A Collaborative ESOL-Global Learning Project’ (2022), ‘#ESOLStories: National Storytelling Week’ (2020), and ‘#ESOL Students during Covid-19 #InspiredByESOL’ (2020). She also maintains a professional development forum on MS Teams called Digital Technologies for Teaching and Learning and Moodle Design Group, promoted by JISC, to inspire teachers and share good digital teaching and learning practice. Anyone can join to enhance their own CPD.


Presenter: Monika Worthington

Monika Worthington started her teaching career in Poland in 2004 as an EFL teacher and soon after became an ESOL Lecturer at Bradford College. Throughout her teaching career Monika has always been interested in digital technologies and innovative ways of teaching which resulted in becoming a Digital Champion and working for the Learning Teaching and Assessment Department. So far, she has published an article in the IATEFL newsletter ‘Bradford Winter Wonderland’ and  ‘The ESOL Global Learning Project’ in the journal of NATECLA.


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Event details

Event type:

SIG Webinar


17/11/2022 - 17:00 UK time
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Free of Charge
Whilst everyone is welcome to attend this professional development event, free of charge, certificates of attendance and access to the recording will only be provided to IATEFL members.