
MaWSIG & ReSIG : Research in Materials: a Joint Conference

Materials writing, materials development and materials use has been receiving increasing attention within ELT over the past couple of decades. We know that there is more and more research into how materials are written and developed, and how they are used by teachers and trainers, and we would like to give this a broader audience.

In this joint conference, MaWSIG and ReSIG (the Materials Writing and Research Special Interest Groups) invite teachers, writers and researchers to share their research into materials writing, materials development and materials use. There will be both longer talks and shorter poster presentations. Speakers will share their research and the audience will be able to ask questions and consider how the research applies to their own contexts.

Our call for presentations is open until Monday 16th September.

More exciting information to come soon...

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Event details

Event type:

SIG Event
Materials Writing, Research


15/11/2024 - 15:00 UK time


Online event
United Kingdom


Non members of IATEFL: 5 GBP
Free for IATEFL members
Certificates will be sent to all that attended
Recordings will only be available to members of ReSIG & MaWSIG.