During these challenging times as the world, and the global English language teaching community, deals with the consequences of COVID-19, IATEFL and the 16 IATEFL Special Interest Groups are happy to make the following resources available to all English language teaching professionals around the globe.
This page will be updated as new content becomes available.
- Moving to teaching online, a recorded panel discussion which was part of IATEFL's two-day online global get-together on 19 April 2020.
Global Issues Special Interest Group (GISIG)
- Online resources https://gisig.iatefl.org/resources/ and https://gisig.iatefl.org/publications/
Leadership and Management Special Interest Group (LAMSIG)
- Archived articles https://lamsig.iatefl.org/news-and-events/archived-articles
- COVID-19 support group https://lamsig.iatefl.org/blog-2020 and https://lamsig.iatefl.org/links-for-2020
Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (LTSIG)
- LTSIG Fridays - weekly webinars on 'How to teach English online' https://ltsig.iatefl.org/ltsig-fridays/
- LT April 2020 newsletter
Pronuciation Special Interest Group (PronSIG)
- Webinar library on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj5zqyaLn_CgayBZX60qjXw
- Speaker slides for the 'Road to Pron-tegration' event October 2019: https://pronsig.iatefl.org/roadtoprontegration/
Research Special Interest Group (ReSIG)
Research SIG books http://resig.weebly.com/books.html
Teacher Development Special Interest Group (TDSIG)
Developod podcast (20+ episodes) http://tdsig.org/developod
#SIGtweetmeet - a breaktime chat on Twitter every Tuesday
Teacher Development Academic Journal http://tdsig.org/tdaj
Testing, Evaluation & Assessment Special Interest Group (TEASIG)
- Recent webinars (for a limited time only) https://tea.iatefl.org/recent-teasig-events/
- Suggested websites and resources for Professional Development https://tea.iatefl.org/resources/
Young Learners & Teenagers Special Interest Group (YLTSIG)
YouTube recordings https://www.youtube.com/iateflyltsig