PRELIM project update: partnerships are announced and the projects begin!

13th February 2023

The Partnered Remote Language Improvement project (PRELIM) supports the development of teachers using English across the world.  Funded by the British Council and run in partnership with IATEFL and English UK, with NILE as managing consultants, the latest PRELIM project supports the development of classroom resources using teachers' local contexts and curricula in 25 countries. Previous iterations of the project have supported teachers' language development. All projects are delivered by an Accreditation UK centre who works with IATEFL-associated English Teaching Associations (ETAs) in each participating nation. PRELIM 1 and 2 were a huge success and the 15-month PRELIM 3 will run to March 2024.


The PRELIM 3 project partnerships will run from January 2023 to March 2024. It consists of partnerships between accredited language schools and English Teacher Associations (ETAs) in 25 countries working together to create and disseminate bespoke classroom resources. It follows on from PRELIMs 1 and 2, shorter projects (see below) which were designed to improve the confidence of teachers around the world teaching English.

The aim of PRELIM 3 is to support classroom teachers who are teaching in English to create resources to use in lessons with their own students. It also aims to develop the capacity of the UK centres and their ETA partners through creating and distributing contextually-relevant ELT resources, which will have lasting impact and benefit for the teachers who use them. 

IATEFL is looking forward to working with all of those involved in this exciting project once again!

The PRELIM 3 partnerships are:

  • Angola (ANELTA) with St Giles International
  • Argentina (APIBA/APISE/ASPI & FAAPI) with Professional Language Solutions (PLS)
  • Bangladesh (TSB) with Capital School of English
  • Bolivia (BETA) with Eurospeak Language Schools Ltd.
  • Brazil (BRAZ-TESOL) with Centre of English Studies (CES)
  • Cameroon (ELTS-CAMELTA) with Oxford International Education Group
  • Cote D'Ivoire (CINELTA) with Stafford House
  • Cuba (APC-ELI) with LILA* Liverpool
  • Ecuador (UNAE-PINE) with International House Bristol
  • Guinea (GETC) with Norwich Study Centre
  • Honduras (HELTA-TESOL) with Speak Up London
  • Indonesia (TEFLIN) with Peartree Languages
  • Kuwait (TEFLK) with International House London
  • Lithuania (LAKMA) with Bell Educational Services Ltd
  • Mali (MATE) with West London English School
  • Mozambique (MELTA) with Celtic English Academy
  • Nigeria (ELTAN) with Edinburgh College
  • North Macedonia (ELTAM MK) with inlingua Cheltenham
  • Palestine (PATEFL) with CELT Centres for ELT Cardiff
  • Peru (ASCEI & PERUELTNET) with York Associates International Ltd.
  • Thailand (ThaiTESOL) with Lewis School of English
  • Turkey (INGED) with The University of Sheffield ELTC
  • Uganda (UNELTA) with Wimbledon School of English
  • Vietnam (VietTESOL) with Nottingham Trent University
  • Zambia (LATAZ) with Hilderstone College


Previous PRELIM projects here: