MaWSIG PCE 2024 - ATTENDING ONLINE: Looking forward, looking back

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Join IATEFL Materials Writing Special Interest Group (MAWSIG) online for their 2024 Pre-Conference Event on 15 April 2024: Looking forward, looking back

 ‘Looking forward, Looking back, we’ve come a long way down the track.’

The immortal words of Slim Dusty form the theme of our 2024 PCE as we celebrate ten years since the first MaWSIG PCE, and consider where materials writing will take us in the future. 

On 15 April 2024 in Brighton, our PCE will feature talks and hands-on, interactive workshops that focus on the past, present and future of materials writing/development. We will share ideas on how developments in ELT affect us as materials writers/developers in areas such as:

  • digital developments (e.g. multimodal resources, using AI, gamification) 
  • authenticity
  • assessment
  • inclusivity
  • teacher resources
  • materials for specific age groups
  • globalisation
  • methodology
  • world Englishes

Whether you develop materials full time, create materials for your own classroom or are simply interested in materials, join us, either in person or online, for a stimulating and inspiring day!


Carol Read is a highly experienced teacher, teacher educator, academic manager, international consultant and author. Carol specialises in early years and primary ELT and has published extensively in this area. Carol is also a former President of IATEFL. You can find out more about Carol by visiting

Katherine Bilsborough has been working in ELT for more than 30 years, as a teacher, trainer and author. She has recently set up a new company, Writing ELT Materials Ltd with colleague and ELT author John Hughes. Together they run online courses for teachers to develop their materials writing skills.

Richard Chinn is a teacher educator working at King’s College London and International House London. His professional interests include: working with emergent language, classroom interaction, teacher development, and how teachers use materials in their classes. He is co-author of the book ‘Working with Emergent Language’ published by Pavilion ELT, 2023. 

Jo Sayers has a background in English language teaching, materials development, edtech and learning design. Jo now co-runs LearnJam, creating (un)learning experiences that help us move towards radically better ways of being on this planet. He is interested in how we can bring joy into our responses to global crises.

Paul Talbot is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum in Vienna, Austria. He specialises in curriculum and materials development, particularly in the field of international engineering and science communication, and is particularly excited about the immense opportunities presented by “artificial intelligence” in language pedagogy.

Elaine Hodgson has over 30 years' experience in ELT in different educational settings in the public and private sectors. She holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and a PhD in Linguistics. She is a Senior Development Editor at CUP&A in Cambridge and a volunteer at EVE and Raise Up. 

Viviane Kirmeliene has worked in ELT since 1994 as a teacher, consultant, editor, and content writer. She holds a BA in English from the University of São Paulo and the Cambridge ICELT. She is interested in how ELT content can be more diverse and better meet students’ and teachers’ needs

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15th April, 2024 from  9:30 AM to  5:00 PM
Standard price £59.00
SIG Events
Which SIGs are involved in this event? Materials Writing
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