We are delighted to introduce a new series of resources for members: IATEFL career guides. Whilst it is not possible to give you every detail about working in a specific sector or specialisation of the English language teaching profession, we hope each of these recorded webinars with provide you with a useful overview of the particular topic.
Next session:
Our next Career Guide will be announced soon. Keep a look out here or on social media for further details.
Previous sessions now availble to members as recordings in 'My Resources', just seach for 'career guides':
- "How to teach online" presented by Andy Johnson
- "How to teach one-to-one" presented by Rachel Appleby
- "How to move from being a teacher to becoming a teacher trainer" presented by Silvana Richardson
- "CVs and LinkedIn tips that get results" presented by Peter Panayotou
- "Adapting to ELT’s new normal" presented by Andy Johnson
- "How to become a successful freelancer" presented by Chia Suan Chong
- "How to get into materials writing" presented by Rachael Roberts
- "How to self-publish a book" presented by Dorothy Zemach
How can I register?
These webinars, and their recordings, are only available to IATEFL members. You can register to particpate in a session by clicking on the link in the email sent to all members, or by logging into your dashboard on the IATEFL website and selecting the 'Membership benefits and offers' box.
An introduction to this Career Guide series: