The Wider Membership Scheme (WMS) helps the international ELT community reach out to teachers in parts of the world who need additional financial support. Established over twenty years ago, WMS helps provide teachers with professional development that would otherwise be beyond their means. Each year IATEFL Associates are invited to apply for a limited number of places on the scheme. An Advisory Committee looks at all the applications and the money available, and puts forward suggestions for allocation of the memberships. Decisions are based on the position of each country on the Human Development Index (see below), together with estimated earnings of teachers in that country. Successful IATEFL Associates are then awarded memberships at a significantly reduced rate which they can allocate to individual teachers.
Our Membership Officer will contact all eligible IATEFL Associates each year to invite them to put in an application.
The Wider Membership Scheme has led to tangible improvements in English language teaching and learning in parts of the world that need support the most. It enables English language teaching professionals who would not otherwide be able to afford to join our teaching association to benefit from the professional development opportunities, networking opportunities and support they would not otherwise be able to benefit from.
Thank you to all those who have donated to the Wider Membership Scheme. We invite individuals and organisations to make a donation and help us continue to run this scheme.
Thank you for your support!
Macmillan Education’s International Marketing Director, Jo Greig:
We’re so proud to be able to support the IATEFL WMS, it’s a great cause, and we know our donation will help teachers in parts of the world who need additional financial support and to aid their professional development, a cause we feel strongly about here at Macmillan Education’.