Voices of teachers: an antiracist view of teaching young learners

An IATEFL monthly webinar presented by Cláudia Colla de Amorim

In this webinar, the presenter will share the voices of Brazilian educators who advocate for an antiracist approach to teaching English. Through her own decolonizing journey as a teacher educator, she will provide insights into how educators worldwide, focusing on young learners, can make informed decisions and cultivate an antiracist pedagogy. She will present a sequence of activities designed by Brazilian teachers who are trying to raise awareness of antiracist content at a very early age. 

This webinar is grounded in Critical Race Theory and the deconstruction of the myth of Racial Democracy. It will contextualize aspects of race and power structures and discuss the need for a culturally responsive curriculum and teacher development programs less focused on whiteness. It will aim to emphasize the need to denounce dehumanizing social structures and to announce social transformation. By sharing her voices, the presenter intends to contribute to the understanding of how educational institutions can engage in critical conversations leading to a shift in curriculum design. 



Cláudia Colla de Amorim holds a BA in English Language and Literature from Pontificia Universidade Católica, São Paulo, Brazil, an MA in Languages and Literary Studies in English from Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil,  and an M.Ed. in Educational Studies from the University Of Oklahoma, U.S.A. She is currently a pedagogical school principal at the English as an additional language department at Escola Móbile, in São Paulo, Brazil. Her main professional areas are: Teaching and learning languages, Teacher Development, Use of Technology in Education, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Multicultural Education, Critical Race Theory, and Race and Ethnicity in Educational Contexts.

This event will take place on Zoom and the link above will take you to a Zoom registration page. If you are an IATEFL member, please make sure that you register using the email address linked to your IATEFL ccount. This helps us identify you and send you a certificate of attendance.

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2nd December, 2023 3:00 PM
Fee Details For Website
Fee Details - displayed on website Free for everyone to attend.
Only IATEFL members receive a certificate of attendance and access to the recordings.