Joint ESOLSIG & IP&SENSIG - online PCE: Negotiating Inclusivity: Strategies for Fostering Global Citizens with Strong Roots in the ESOL/ EFL Classroom

Join the IATEFL English for Speakers of Other Languages and Inclusive Practices & Special Educational Needs Special Interest Groups' for their 2025 online Pre-Conference Event on 7 April: Negotiating Inclusivity: Strategies for Fostering Global Citizens with Strong Roots in the ESOL/ EFL Classroom    

In an increasingly interconnected world, the role of educators in shaping global citizens who are rooted in their own cultural identities while being inclusive and open to others is more crucial than ever. This event aims to explore innovative strategies and best practices in the ESOL/EFL classroom that support inclusivity and help students navigate and thrive in a globalized society.

You are currently booking to attend this event online. If you want to attend this event in person, please click here and make a booking for in person attendance instead.

if you continue to make a booking for online attendance and subsequently attend in person on the day, you will be denied entry.  Please check that you are booking for the correct event before proceeding..

To view the IATEFL event terms and conditions please click here

7th April, 2025 from  9:30 AM to  5:00 PM
Online event
United Kingdom
Ticket Price £59.00
SIG Events
Which SIGs are involved in this event? ESOL, Inclusive Practices & SEN
Fee Details For Website
Fee Details - displayed on website Member £39
Non member £59

Registration for this event will close on the 26 of March 2025, you will sent joining instructions including zoom information a few days before the event.

Important! Log in to your IATEFL account before booking your place:
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If you don't log in and subsequently pay the wrong amount, an administration fee will be charged before refunds are processed.