'Giving your students language practice through Extensive Reading'

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An IATEFL webinar presented by Thomas Robb

Extensive Reading (ER), is an approach to language development in which learners read large amounts of self-selected easy-to-read texts for pleasure or information. It is an effective means to improve not only students' reading ability, but also their understanding and use of vocabulary, grammar and even listening proficiency.

This event will engage participants in learning the principles and practices of a variety of ER models that have been implemented in a variety of contexts around the world. The webinar will briefly introduce the theory, provide evidence of its effectiveness, survey approaches to its implementation and provide information on available online resources for students and for teachers' professional development. The presentation will not only touch on the use of "graded readers" but other alternatives when such materials are unavailable.

Thomas Robb, Ph.D., University of Hawaii, is Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Sangyo University. He is a long-time user of CALL and the Internet, and has created a number of websites and applications for Extensive Reading, student projects, interactive learning and professional exchange.

He has held numerous leadership positions in International TESOL, JALT (Japan) and PacCALL. He is now on the steering committee of the IATEFL LitSIG and is Chair of the Extensive Reading Foundation. He is also the Editor of TESL-EJ,  the first online journal for ELT.



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6th August, 2022 3:00 PM
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