Adaptability 2.0 - What do we really need in the Business English classroom?

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Join presenter Karin Heuert Galvao at this IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG) webinar 

OK, so you know you need to be adaptable. But do you really know what to do?

Seth Godin lists adaptability as number one in his "Encyclopedia of Real Skills," not Soft Skills, Real Skills - Real because they work. These skills are learnable, and we should invest time in understanding them. It's high time we take a peek outside ELT because the BE scenario is no longer in the books. It's coming towards us at 200 mph, and it has no time to waste.

In this webinar, we will delve into adaptability, discuss the pros, the cons, and the yes-pleases of an adaptable class, and challenge you on an 'adaptability quest': How adaptable is too adaptable for you?

PRESENTER: Karin Heuert Galvao

Having graduated in Languages, Karin has worked in ELT for 23 years.  She holds the CELTA, CPE, and Train the Trainer certificates and the IHCOLT. In addition, she has a PgD in Distance Learning and EdTech and a PgD in People Management: Careers, Leadership & Coaching. Karin holds certificates as Life & Executive Coach from the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), International Association of Coaching (IAC), the Professional Coaching Alliance (PCA), the Association for Coaching, and Sociedade Latino Americana de Coaching (SLAC). Currently, she works with European and American multinational corporations developing their language strategies for their Latin American branches and assessing candidates for relocating purposes.


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4th December, 2022 3:00 PM
SIG Events
Which SIGs are involved in this event? Business English
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