IPSENSIG: Promoting Inclusion in the ELT Environment for 21st-Century Learners

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English Language Teaching (ELT) has made tremendous strides through the ages and this is also reflected in the corresponding materials offered to us by publishers. It has been proven, however, that relying solely on the curriculum resources handed to us, is in no way a sufficient approach to meeting the demands of a linguistically diverse audience. Prospective educators and experienced ones alike, must also bear in mind the cultural diversity as well as the special educational needs of students. The implications of failing to do so will be examined through educational scenarios, evaluating strategies to properly accommodate, enhance and facilitate said materials to the ELT learning environment.

Speaker: Katherine Reilly

Katherine Reilly was born in Chicago Illinois and has dedicated herself to the field of education and specifically that of English Literature. She has a BA in English Language & Literature (University of Michigan) and has authored a total of forty-three books, six of which are personal publications, thirty-one for the ELT learning field and a further six concerning ICT learning. As an author, she has also collaborated with publishers in the development of teaching material and has offered her voice in recordings for the material’s relevant audio segments.

As an educator, she works at a private school in Athens Greece, teaching English to learners of all ages and levels, while also working as an oral examiner for the majority of universities which certify candidates in the use of the English Language. In the role of Academic Teacher Trainer, Katherine delivers lectures to audiences of both graduates and experienced educators in domestic as well as international English language teaching conferences. Her passion is inspiring critical thinking through active learning strategies and stimulating young learners’ potential in writing and speaking. Her articles on English Language Teaching can be found each month in the printed magazine ELT NEWS, the leading magazine for Foreign Language teachers and schools in Greece.


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30th May, 2023 6:00 PM
United Kingdom
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