
MaWSIG: Writing materials that develop reading skills

An IATEFL MaWSIG webinar presented by Mark Heffernan and David Byrne

Reading activities are commonplace in EFL materials. However, typically many of these activities practise the skills as opposed to developing them. In this talk we will examine how reading is often presented in EFL materials, making the case that practice alone will not lead to perfection.

We will propose an alternative approach, exploring how to write materials that raise learners’ awareness of reading skills, and develop as opposed to practise or test these skills.


Mark Heffernan has taught English for over 18 years. From the very beginning, he shared lesson ideas and started to run CPD sessions. He spent many years focusing on exam teaching before moving to Queen Mary University of London in 2016, where he teaches EAP and is a module convenor.

David Byrne has worked in EFL for over a decade and in that time has taught all the ages, levels and exams he could find. He’s worked in Ireland, England, Spain and South Korea, but the majority of his career has been spent in the U.K. where he currently works for EC English.

Mark and David are the co-authors of Textploitation and Overt Teaching, both published by Delta Publishing. They run Textploitation, an EFL website dedicated to using texts to their full potential in the classroom.




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Event details

Event type:

SIG Webinar
Materials Writing


21/09/2023 - 13:00 UK time
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Free for all to attend.
Members of IATEFL will have access to recordings and certificates of attendance.