
BESIG- In-person PCE 2025: Greening Business English: Practical activities for sustainability and CSR to future-proof your teaching

Join the IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group for their 2025 in person Pre-Conference Event on 7 April:  Greening Business English: Practical activities for sustainability and CSR to future-proof your teaching


Join us at IATEFL 2025 for a pre-conference event crafted for Business English educators who aim to integrate sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) more deeply into their teaching.

This PCE focuses on embedding these essential aspects into business English language training offering practical and innovative strategies for teaching.

Practical applications segment: Explore how sustainability can be effectively incorporated into Business English courses, using elements from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to create relevant and engaging content.

This segment will demonstrate how lessons centered on sustainability can enhance business communication skills, making them vital and relatable in real-world business scenarios.

Future-Proofing Roundtable: This session will provide a platform for educators to share and develop methods to adapt their Business English teaching to meet the evolving needs of the business world.

The focus will be on creating resilient and adaptable teaching practices that prepare both trainers and students to handle future business challenges with a strong emphasis on sustainability.

This event is designed for educators seeking to enrich their Business English programs with significant, timely content that prepares students to effectively tackle sustainability issues in their professional lives.

To view the IATEFL event terms and conditions please click here

Event details

Event type:

SIG Event
Business English


07/04/2025 - 09:30 until 07/04/2025 - 17:00 UK time


The Exchange
United Kingdom


Early Bird Prices - Until Wednesday 8 January 2024 4pm UK time:
Member £59
Non member £72

Standard Prices:
Member £79
Non member £92

Online Registration for this event closes on the 26 March 2025 , after this you will only be able to register at the event in Edinburgh - although capacity cannot be promised.

Important! Log in to your IATEFL account before booking your place:
Don't have an IATEFL account? Create one for free here:

If you don't log in and subsequently pay the wrong amount, an administration fee will be charged before refunds are processed.

Booking fees will increase to the standard rate for those delegates who book but do not pay by the early bird deadline.

Register now Max participants: 60