
Voices in Harmony: Pronunciation pedagogy for the 21st century

We are delighted to invite researchers and practitioners to participate in this international conference, dedicated to pronunciation research and pedagogy.

The face to face event is being co-organised by IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group and Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University School of Foreign Languages, and will feature prominent plenary speakers; John M. Levis, Tracey Derwing and Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer.

Tracey Derwing is a professor emeritus from the University of Alberta’s Teaching English as a Second Language program, and an adjunct professor in Linguistics at Simon Fraser University.  Her research interests include improved communication on the part of L2 learners and their interlocutors; immigrant and refugee settlement issues; and citizenship education.  Tracey and her colleagues have conducted intervention studies in the workplace to enhance inter-worker communication. She currently serves on a committee that advises the Canadian government on matters related to federally-sponsored language training programs for newcomers.  Tracey has published widely in academic journals, books and textbooks.  She has co-organized several conferences and serves on the Editorial Boards of a range of journals.

John M. Levis is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Technology at Iowa State University. He is founding editor of the Journal of Second Language Pronunciation and the founder of the annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, the premier conference for second language pronunciation in North America. He is an author of several books including Teaching Pronunciation with Confidence and Intelligibility, Oral Communication and the Teaching of Pronunciation and co-editor of several books, including Second Language Pronunciation: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice, the Handbook of English Pronunciation, and Social Dynamics in Second Language Accent.

Sinem Sonsaat-Hegelheimer received her PhD from the Applied Linguistics and Technology, Iowa State University and is an assistant professor in the same program. She was the editorial assistant of Journal of Second Language Pronunciation (JSLP) from 2014 to 2021 and the chair of Speech Pronunciation and Listening Interest Section (SPLIS) of TESOL International association between 2020-2021. Sinem’s research interests include pronunciation teaching, materials evaluation and development, and computer-assisted language learning. She published her work in TESOL Quarterly, Speech Communication, and CATESOL Journal. She is the co-editor of Second language pronunciation: Bridging the gap between research and practice (Wiley Blackwell) with John M. Levis and Tracey M. Derwing.

Join us in Ankara this May to explore innovative approaches and share insights in the field of pronunciation teaching and research. 

Please note that the event will take place across two days, starting at 09:00 on the 16 May 2025 and finishing at 13:00 on the 17 May 2025. All times are local Türkiye time.

CALL FOR PAPERS: We invite proposals for oral presentations, workshops, and posters for the Voices in Harmony: Pronunciation Pedagogy for the 21st Century conference. Submissions may focus on a variety of topics related to pronunciation instruction and its broader implications. Key areas include pronunciation teaching methodology, technology-enhanced learning (e.g., CAPT, MAPT, AI) and pronunciation, teacher training, segmental and suprasegmental features, intelligibility, fluency, and assessing pronunciation. We also welcome contributions that explore pronunciation in multilingual and multicultural contexts, its role in communication and identity, and innovations in curriculum design.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind review by our scientific committee. We look forward to your contributions and the discussions they will inspire. 
How to submit a proposal: To submit your proposals, please visit and navigate to the Submissions tab. Before submitting, we recommend reviewing the submission checklist. While submitting your work via the Google Forms link provided, please ensure all required information is provided and your submission does not exceed 250 words. Direct link to submissions:
Deadline for submissions: 1 February 2025.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Keep up to date with all the latest news via the Voices in Harmony website

For any questions about this event, please email:


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Event details

Event type:

SIG Event


16/05/2025 - 09:00 until 17/05/2025 - 13:00 UK time


Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University School of Foreign Languages,
C Blok Ayvalı Mah


Registration fee:
£12 for IATEFL members
£14 if you are not an IATEFL member
Fees are applicable whether you are participating as a speaker or a listener only.