
LTSIG - in-person PCE: Tech-Enhanced Pedagogy for Equity and Critical Thinking in the AI Era

 IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest  Group (LTSIG) is organising  in Edinburgh on the 7th of April 2025, the IATEFL Pre Conference Event (PCE)

This is an excellent opportunity for all language teachers, researchers, academics or anyone else in the field of language teaching, to submit proposals for inclusion in the PCE programme, reflecting the diversity and variety of the professions. In this event we expect to gain knowledge about challenges and opportunities in order to be able to make informed decisions regarding enhanced pedagogy for equity and critical thinking through technology. Our SIG aims to share ideas and best practices in incorporating technologically-advanced techniques in promoting equity and critical thinking in language practices! 

We will aim to have short presentations/talks (15 minutes) but also interactive e-poster presentations where authors will  be at their assigned monitors (bring your own laptop) for the period of specified time. During this time authors will be available for discussion of the E-Poster. Delegates will share their experiences  and knowledge with our audience.

The day will conclude with a networking session, allowing participants to connect, share their thoughts, and foster new collaborations in a relaxed and informal setting. This event promises to be a rewarding experience for all, offering a platform for intellectual exchange and knowledge-sharing.

Click here to see our programme.


You are currently booking to attend this event in person, in Edinburgh. If you want to attend this event online, please click here and make a booking for online attendance instead.

If you continue to make a booking for face to face attendance and subsequently attend online on the day of the event, no refund for the difference in price will be provided as per our terms and conditions.
Please check that you are booking for the correct event before proceeding.

To view the IATEFL event terms and conditions please click here

Event details

Event type:

SIG Event
Learning Technologies


07/04/2025 - 09:30 until 07/04/2025 - 17:00 UK time


The Exchange
United Kingdom


Standard Prices:
Member £79
Non member £92

Online Registration for this event closes on the 26 March 2025 , after this you will only be able to register at the event in Edinburgh - although capacity cannot be promised.

Important! Log in to your IATEFL account before booking your place:
Don't have an IATEFL account? Create one for free here:

If you don't log in and subsequently pay the wrong amount, an administration fee will be charged before refunds are processed.

Booking fees will increase to the standard rate for those delegates who book but do not pay by the early bird deadline.

Register now Max participants: 51