
RESIG - Supervision and Mentoring Practices for TEFL Teacher Educators: An Inclusive and Transformative Approach

This discussion panel presents how a series of resources for the observation and practice of pedagogical strategies are being used in two Mexican pre-service contexts, framed in the vision of inclusive and transformative mentoring and supervision.

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Amy Gooden

Amy Gooden is an Associate Professor in TESOL/Bilingual Education and Co-Director at Lesley University's Institute for English Language Programs Beyond Borders, earned her master’s in education at Harvard University and a Doctorate in Education from Boston University. Her research focuses on inclusive and decolonizing language teacher education, and arts-based approaches to supporting the needs of multilingual learners.

Hilda Hidalgo Avilés

Hilda Hidalgo Avilés, PhD in Applied Linguistics, Lancaster University, UK. MPhil in Applied Linguistics, University of Essex, UK; M. Ed. Universidad La Salle. She is a full-time lecturer and researcher at University of Hidalgo. She is the Head of the Linguistics Department. Her research interests include academic literacy studies, critical discourse studies, and teletandem.

Martha Guadalupe Hernández-Alvarado

Martha Guadalupe Hernández-Alvarado holds an M.A. in ELT and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Southampton, UK. She is a full-time lecturer and researcher at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico. Her research interests include virtual exchange, teacher/learner autonomy, professional development, and language teacher education.

Milton R. Licona

Milton R. Licona is a full-time teacher/researcher at UAEH who holds a master’s in applied Linguistics (UANL). He has attended national and international academic events as a speaker covering topics such as teachers' identity, PBL, gamification and assessment. His primary role in the Linguistics Department is teaching in the ELT program as well as assisting ongoing research projects.

Marisol Guzman

Marisol Guzman Cova holds a Doctorate in Applied Linguistics conferred by the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Presently, she serves as a full-time teacher educator at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Mexico. She lectures in both graduate and undergraduate programs and holds 24 years of teaching experience. She holds the positions of Joint Outreach Co-coordinator within the ReSIG Group in IATEFL. Her research interests include professional development. 

Veronica Sanchez Hernandez

Veronica Sanchez Hernandez is full time professor at the Languages Department at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Dr. Sánchez has been speaker in national and international conferences such as TESOL, AAAL, and recently, in IATEFL. She has also been a national evaluator of higher education programs and an external evaluator in international accreditations. His areas of interest and publications address teacher training, professional development, and development of academic literacy.

Yonatan Puon Castro

Yonatan Puon Castro has been teaching in TEFL programs since 2005. He holds a BA and MA in ELT from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, and a Ph.D. in applied linguistics from the University of Southampton.His research interests are language teacher education, English as a Medium of Instruction, and language policies and ideologies.

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Event details

Event type:

SIG Webinar


28/02/2025 - 14:00 UK time
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Online event


Free for all to attend.

Certificates of attendance will be sent out to those attendees who are members of IATEFL.