Special Interest Groups: frequently asked questions

What are the IATEFL Special Interest Groups (SIGs)?

IATEFL SIGs extend the work of IATEFL into several specialist areas. They enable professionals with special interests in ELT to benefit from information, news, developments and events in their special interest areas. The SIGs cover a wide range of interests - Business English; English for Specific Purposes; English for Speakers of Other Languages; Inclusive Practices and Special Educational Needs; Global Issues; Learner Autonomy; Leadership and Management; Literature; Learning Technologies; Materials Writing, Pronunciation; Research; Testing, Evaluation and Assessment; Teacher Development; Teacher Training and Education, and, Young Learners and Teenagers.

Why should I join an IATEFL SIG?

There are many benefits to joining a SIG: publications, face to face and online events, independent websites, scholarships etc. Full individual members of IATEFL are entitled to join one SIG which is included in their membership fee.

I am an IATEFL member - how can I get the member rate for an IATEFL SIG event?

Make sure you are logged into the IATEFL website. Click on 'Events' and select the event you want to attend. You will then be able to benefit from the member rate. 

I’m not an individual member, but my institution has IATEFL membership. How can I benefit from a lower booking fee for a SIG event?

You need to contact your institution directly. Due to GDPR we cannot give you the membership login details for your institution unless you are the named contact. Once you have the membership details, up to four delegates from your insitution (per institutional membership) can book a place at any of the individual IATEFL events that are currently live. Make sure you are logged into the IATEFL website. Click on 'Events' and select the event you want to attend. You will then be able to benefit from the member rate.

I’m not an IATEFL member – how can I get the member rate for an IATEFL SIG event?

To become an IATEFL member please click the 'Join Now' button. Once we have received your payment we will send your membership details by email within two working days. If you have requested a membership card you will be sent this in the post. Please note that near event deadlines we will do everything we can to get these processed sooner so that everyone can book on time.

I am having difficulty paying online for my SIG event booking

If you have made a booking for an event but are struggling to make an online payment by credit or debit card please do not make multiple bookings.
Please email [email protected] for a payment form which you will need to return to us via fax to +44 (0)1795 538951 or call us on +44 (0)1795 591414 to make payment over the telephone.  Alternatively you can make a bank transfer using your name and order number as the reference. Our bank details are below.

How do I pay for an order online?

To return to an existing order please login into the IATEFL website and click on the link 'My payments' on the right-hand side of your Dashboard. You will be asked to provide your order ID number and your name, this will allow you to pay securely online.  If you wish to pay by bank transfer our bank details are Barclays Bank, 65 High Street, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 1AU, UK Account number: 70127507 Sort Code: 20 17 92 IBAN: GB81 BUKB 2017 9270 1275 07  SWIFT: BUKBGB22 Please ensure you quote an order number and booking code or name.

I want to pay by bank transfer, what do I need to do?

Our bank details are Barclays Bank, 65 High Street, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 1AU, UK Account number: 70127507 Sort Code: 20 17 92 IBAN: GB81 BUKB 2017 9270 1275 07  SWIFT: BUKBGB22. Please ensure all fees are paid in addition to the amount you send for your booking. Please ensure all bank transfers quote an order number and a surname. If we can not identify the payee we will be unable to process your payment and you may not be able to attend the event you have booked for. 

If you have paid by bank transfer and don't receive a receipt from us by email confirming your booking within a week please contact [email protected] so that we can trace the payment.

I’m a speaker at an IATEFL SIG event. Can I get a discount on the booking fee?

Speaker fees are listed for the event as applicable. Most SIG events give discounts for being an IATEFL member. Occasionally speakers are required to book their place before the earlybird deadline which will also result in a lower fee.

I need an invoice for my company to pay for my attendance at an IATEFL SIG event.

Please book a place on the SIG event you want to attend. When you reach the end of the booking process please select to pay offline. Please note that an invoice is not proof of payment. A receipt will be emailed to you once we have received and processed your payment.

I want a certificate of attendance for my participation in the event

Certificates are only issued for face to face events for those delegates who request one. Certificates are not sent to delegates who do not attend the online or face-to-face event. 

Certificates for paid online events are sent via email to all delegates who attended, for free online events certificates are only sent to members of IATEFL. Please note registration does not guarantee you a place at our webinars and places in the room are limited. 

If you are unable to attend on the day or do not get a seat in the room, the session will be recorded but this will only be available to IATEFL SIG members via their member dashboard on the IATEFL website.

If you’re not a member already, do consider joining us to access the recording as well as the whole back catalogue of SIG webinars and IATEFL monthly webinars, as well as our bi-monthly newsletter Voices and a whole host of other benefits. Find out more here: https://www.iatefl.org/join-now.

What is the Participants List for the event?

The Participants List contains the names of delegate’s who attended the face to face event, and is sent out electronically after the event. Only those who consent to their details being shared will have their name listed. Please note that if you do not give us permission to do so (ie. you have not ticked the box on the online booking form to give your consent) your name will not appear in the Participants List. 

I need an invitation letter for the IATEFL SIG event I am attending so that I can apply for a Visa

Please email [email protected] if you need an invitation letter with the following information. Please note that letters are sent via email. We cannot provide visa letters or issue any support for visa applications.
Full name
Full address
Country of residence
Passport number
Job position
Purpose of visit

How many SIG newsletters will I get?

The IATEFL SIGs aim to produce up to three mailings a year, including e-mailings, and this can vary between SIGs. All our SIGs are run by volunteers and rely on articles submitted by members. SIG publications often include cutting edge articles in the field, while informing the membership about the content of conferences and vents which members may not have been able to attend. To send articles please visit the IATEFL Who's Who page to contact the editors of each SIG directly.

I’d like to submit an article for a SIG publication

To submit an article for any of our 16 Special Interest Group publications please contact the SIGs directly here.  

I’m an Associate member – how can I get SIG newsletters?

If you are an Associate or Wider Membership Scheme (WMS) Associate member, in order to receive SIG publications you will need to become a member of a SIG, at an additional cost. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Can I change my SIG partway through my membership?

Unfortunately, you cannot change SIGs partway through your membership.  However, you can add a SIG at any time (added SIGs will run for the same dates as your membership so you may receive part of the subscription as back issues). Or you can change or add SIGs when you renew. To add a SIG please login to the IATEFL website and on your dashboard, click 'Add more SIGs'.

Can I add a SIG to my membership?

You can add a SIG at any time at the normal annual cost.  The expiry date for the new SIG will be in line with your membership, so you may receive part of the subscription as back-issues. You can also add SIGs when you renew. To add a SIG please login to the IATEFL website and on your dashboard, click 'Add more SIGs'.

What is a SIG Showcase?

At the IATEFL Annual Conference, the 16 IATEFL Special Interest Groups list their SIG Showcases. These are selections of talks at the conference which are a sample of the breadth and variety of work being done around the world in each special interest field. Each SIG Showcase can include an Open Forum - your chance to hear about the SIG’s activities and talk to other members of the SIG.  

What is a PCE?

A PCE is a Pre-Conference Event and is (generally) held the day before the main IATEFL Annual Conference. All PCE's are organised by the IATEFL SIGs. Some PCE's are joint events run by more than one SIG. You cannot attend more than one PCE on PCE day, and you must book a place at a PCE either before the online booking for the Annual Conference closes, or onsite at the conference.  Please note that PCE's have limited places and may reach capacity before booking closes.  

I’d like the IATEFL SIGs to host an event in my country

Please contact our Special Interest Group Coordinators, their details are listed here.